Struggling with OV5640 camera scaling using D3 camera mazzanine

Hi everyone,

I have been trying to get the pipeline scaling as mentioned here working with an OV5640 camera without much luck.

So far the best I have managed is to use the camera at a higher resolution of 1280x720 and rescale the image in software using OpenCV, but this has a large performance impact.

The working commands for setting this up are:

sudo media-ctl -d /dev/media1 -l '"msm_csiphy0":1->"msm_csid0":0[1],"msm_csid0":1->"msm_ispif0":0[1],"msm_ispif0":1->"msm_vfe0_rdi0":0[1]'
sudo media-ctl -d /dev/media1 -V '"ov5640 1-0078":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1280x720 field:none],"msm_csiphy0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1280x720 field:none],"msm_csid0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1280x720 field:none],"msm_ispif0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1280x720 field:none],"msm_vfe0_rdi0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1280x720 field:none]'

This allows me to grab the camera images and shrink them myself.

What I am trying to get working is using the pipeline to scale the image down much smaller, such as 480x270, to reduce the CPU workload for processing the images.

My current commands look like this:

sudo media-ctl -d /dev/media1 -l '"msm_csiphy0":1->"msm_csid0":0[1],"msm_csid0":1->"msm_ispif0":0[1],"msm_ispif0":1->"msm_vfe0_pix":0[1]'
sudo media-ctl -d /dev/media1 -V '"ov5640 1-0078":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1920x1080 field:none],"msm_csiphy0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1920x1080 field:none],"msm_csid0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1920x1080 field:none],"msm_ispif0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1920x1080 field:none],"msm_vfe0_pix":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1920x1080 field:none compose:(0,0)/480x270],"msm_vfe0_pix":1[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/480x270 field:none]'

This fails with the error Unable to setup formats: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25), so I presume I have made a mistake somewhere.

I am currently running the Release v1.1.1 Linux Kernel from the D3Engineering GitHub, full version Linux linaro-alip 4.9-camera-lt-qcom #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jun 30 16:14:43 UTC 2017 aarch64 GNU/Linux

I have also tried the latest standard Linaro Debian build,, but it does not show /dev/media1 at all so I presume the necessary driver(s) for the camera are missing.

Any help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated as I am rather stuck at this stage. In particular it would be helpful to know if this is likely to be a mistake with the commands or a problem with the software setup / drivers.


Hi @PiBorg:

The issues you are seeing are:

  • the default 17.06 image doesn’t have cameras enabled in the device tree, hence you don’t see /dev/media1
  • the D3 image doesn’t have the video scaler support (I am sure they will add it soon)
  • the default gstreamer doesn’t have support for all of the features, you need to patch and rebuild gstreamer

The solution is to use the 17.06 image, enable the cameras, and patch gstreamer, then it will work.

I will provide detailed step-by-step instructions in a day or two, I have done this before but I want to go through my procedure from top to bottom one more time to make sure I didn’t miss any steps before I post it.

Full Disclosure: I am an employee of Qualcomm Canada, any opinions I may have expressed in this or any other post may not reflect the opinions of my employer.

Sorry for passing on the information a bit at a time instead of all in one big post.

Instructions to rebuild gstreamer are part way down this page: Keep in kind when you get to the quilt import/quilt push steps you need to run it 12 times, once for each of the 12 patches. I built a script to do it all:

mkdir gstreamer
cd gstreamer
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential fakeroot devscripts quilt
sudo apt-get build-dep gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
apt-get source gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
cd gst-plugins-good1.0-1.10.4/
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/01.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/02.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/03.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/04.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/05.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/06.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/07.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/08.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/09.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/10.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/11.patch
quilt push
quilt import ../../V4L2_Patches/12.patch
quilt push
# edit Rules
sed -i '166a \\t--enable-v4l2-probe \\' debian/rules
sed -i '167a \\t--without-libv4l2 \\' debian/rules
debuild -b -uc -us
sudo dpkg -i ../gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.10.4-1_arm64.deb

of course I had copied the 12 patches to the directory V4L2_Patches. The script would be better if it had taken the patches directly from instead of expecting me to have downloaded the patches into a directory.

Full Disclosure: I am an employee of Qualcomm Canada, any opinions I may have expressed in this or any other post may not reflect the opinions of my employer.

I am now running the 17.06 image and have gstreamer patched :slight_smile:

For anyone else following these are the commands I used to get all twelve patches from the repository:

mkdir V4L2_Patches
cd V4L2_Patches
wget -O 01.patch
wget -O 02.patch
wget -O 03.patch
wget -O 04.patch
wget -O 05.patch
wget -O 06.patch
wget -O 07.patch
wget -O 08.patch
wget -O 09.patch
wget -O 10.patch
wget -O 11.patch
wget -O 12.patch

I guess that I just need the changes for the device tree and then I can try the scaling code again.