OV5640 VGA 640x480 resolution setup problem


I am trying to set the VGA resolution with the OV5640 with unsuccessful results.
The media-ctl string I am trying to configure is:

ov5640 1-0078":0[fmt:YUYV1_5X8/640x480 field:none],"msm_csiphy0":0[fmt:YUYV1_5X8/640x480 field:none],"msm_csid0":0[fmt:YUYV1_5X8/640x480 field:none],"msm_ispif0":0[fmt:YUYV1_5X8/640x480 field:none],"msm_vfe0_pix":0[fmt:YUYV1_5X8/640x480 field:none]

media-ctl doesn’t claim about it but than I am not able to read from camera…
No way.

Do you know what is the correct setting (for media-ctl format) to use VGA resolution ?
Thank you in advance.

Not sure the sensor resolution/scaling well supported by the driver, however, you should be able to capture at full resolution and rescale in the QCOM ISP (using compose).


ov5640 4-003b":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1920x1080 field:none], \
"msm_csiphy0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1920x1080  field:none], \
"msm_csid0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1920x1080 field:none], \
"msm_ispif0":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1920x1080 field:none], \
"msm_vfe0_pix":0[fmt:UYVY2X8/1920x1080 field:none compose:(0,0)/640x480],\
"msm_vfe0_pix":1[fmt:UYVY1_5X8/176x144 field:none]';