Looking for developer to build Marshmallow OS for Mediatek x20 board

We are looking for someone who can do the following quite rapidly for us (ideally 2-3 days):

  • Build custom set of release keys.
  • Use custom set of release keys to build Android OS API 23 for MediaTek chipset.
  • base OS for mediatek board can be found at: http://releases.linaro.org/96boards/helio-x20/mediatek/aosp/latest/
  • modify build settings so that all ports and peripherals are available (debug build)
  • write script to enable permissions for all peripherals

If you think you are well-suited for this project, please advise on the cost to complete the above work, and your hourly rate for follow-up needs.

Thanks, Stephen s.allen"at"koenigsys.com