Linux desktop arm64 image?

I believe so, yes, please 5.x upstream, Rockchip, please!
Otherwise I can’t believe Rockchip preparing new kernel because their latest release of kernels are not supports most of new drivers - some features thankfully support well ( a.k.a rkISP ) but some features ( as like mpp not ) are still not works at all.
And Rockchip performance governor seems just different how CPU operating clocks raise faster when task need it. Because there’s many performance issue when daemon starts work in default governor as you written - I’m using them for active server doing some many things, even I need best performance for capturing dual channel MIPI CSI2 cameras though each 4 lanes in realtime - and my cameras driver not provides from Rockchip.

Plus, here’s a screenshot with performance governor + heatsink + a small fan at VNC screen capture.

You can clone my program rkcpumon here.

Dear @doitright ,
I’ve been checked Kernel config not applies performance at build time even I set to performance in defconfig file.
Yes, its actual running state of kernel governor is just “ondemand”.

Some tests to make performance with these :

echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{0..5}/cpufreq/scaling_governor 

CPU runs in 100% clock with more current-power occupfying and fastest response, more heats.
But your concen may right, and my prebuilt image should ignored that governor setting.

Regards, Raph.

@Raph_K thanks for the build info.

Figured out why repo wasn’t working properly, turns out that repo start just makes a new branch and doesn’t check out the existing one (I just changed the manifest file in the end). So now I’ve got a working kernel that boots and LEDs work (small pleasures).

However I still have the problem that there are no modules i.e. modprobe doesn’t find anything. They’re obviously compiled (I’ve run make modules and make modules_install), but when I boot into Linux there is no /lib/modules directory.

Any idea why? They’re being compiled, but it’s like they’re not actually being copied to the image. I don’t really get where the issue is, because the existing mk-kernel file doesn’t even do make modules, although rockchip_linux_defconfig is has a lot turned on.

@joshvm I rebuilt the kernel on the rock960 board, then installed the modules. After you have the repo the current config calls for no modules, this is why you have no modules directory.

cd kernel
# now turn on some modules. In my case I wanted the pwc module so I could use an old webcam.
make menuconfig # select the modules you want and save
# I am running an older kernel so my KERNELRELEASE=4.4.103
make -j4 modules KERNELRELEASE=4.4.179
# this strips the modules (making them smaller) and copies the .ko files to /lib/modules/4.4.179/
make INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install KERNEL_RELEASE=4.4.179
sudo reboot now

@ralph_k I suggest you update your scripts add a few modules to your kernel and copy them to the right places. Otherwise your build system is great. Thanks.