I managed to get KODI GBM working on my ROCK960C. It has almost all the features of latest LibreELEC (Pulse Eight HDMI CEC, HDMI audio passthrough,…). The main purpose of this is that whenever you want to get into an X11 session from KODI, you can ! Just shut KODI off and then launch your desktop manager without having to reboot…
If you are interested by testing it out on your ROCK960, then you will find DL links below… any feedback about it will be welcome !
All you have to do once your file is downloaded is to uncompress the archive you’ve just got and flash system.img which is a GPT bionic ARM64 OS image. It is based off bionic ARM64 OS images available from VAMRS DL site : rootfs is the same BUT with my installation script and required files added to it into four folders which are at the root of rock’s home directory (JMCC, KODI, ne0zone75 and Tools); kernel differs and is built for running KODI GBM (with LED support). Once bionic is booted, log into default rock account (PW: rock) and simply run my installation script which is inside Tools folder…
$ ./Tools/kodi-gbm-rock960.sh
…it will ask you rock’s PW in order to get privileges elevation. Once script has done his job, simply reboot, that’s it ! You will get automatically into KODI GBM after restart !
Whenever it occurs that it is convenient to share my sources, i could…
I thank @JMCC from armbian forum who helped me in this task ! (my installation script is based off his one and shairplay library DEB packages are his ones)
I thank KODI and LibreELEC teams !
I thank ROCKCHIP, 96boards and VAMRS teams too !
Download links : ROCK960AB | ROCK960C
LATEST UPDATE : 20190406
- u-boot & kernel built from source for AB & C
- improved installation script
- KODI GBM updated to 18.2 RC