Thank you Terzon,
I already checked this, but made a double check just to be sure. The date/time is OK.
I reinstall all, no difference.
Strange, Google services works! once it asked me for the location after a reboot, so it is active.
Also I can see the 3 apps running.
My account is OK, I created it from the Dragonboard itself and check it from my PC.
Could it be that I used the same phone number as my mobile phone account to receive the G-code when registering?
I think Google let up to 5 accounts on the same phone but this is not the same phone…
I mean I have now 2 accounts on the same phone number. But 2 different device ID. I do not know if Google care about this.
Another question, did you root the Dragonboard by any way?
Thanks a lot for your support.