I2C Interfacing on DragonBoard 410c

Recently I bought DragonBoard 410c and started my programming for interfacing SHT31 sensor on I2C model under windows 10 IOT environment.

I have utilized the example code given on GitHub. But I don’t see any positive result.
I have modified the program for the address specific to slave(SHT31 sensor - 0x44 or 0x45).
And the read register address as 0x2COD for reading the temperature data
I interfaced my hardware with dragon board on I2C0 Pins.
I tried adding the pullup resistors(1k,4.7k,10k).

But the program always shows an exception error as “The system cannot find the file specified. slave address was not acknowledged”

I just wanted to know what could be the possible reasons?


Just wanted to warn you that, whilst it is perfectly OK to ask questions
on this forum, we don’t actually have very many members who use Win10 IoT
hanging out here. It is certainly worth cross posting onto the Win10
IoT support forum as well, and especially so if you don’t get any replies.

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for the update. Let me post my query in Win10 IOT support forum as well.