DRAM is 1 or 2 GB on this board?


Something strikes me while looking into the boot-up log:

DRAM: 959.5 MiB

I double checked and the specs of the board say it should have 2G :astonished:

The free command confirm that amount later-on.
root@linaro-developer:~# free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 928 60 788 12 79 791
Swap: 0 0 0

Any idea about this?

The first version of Poplar board is shipped with 1G memory, while the later version will be 2G.

Oh, wow! I’ve just ordered mine - I mean WW01 2018 - so I suppose the descriptions are not accurate all the way from your website to Aliexpress one. Fortunately I don’t plan to use Android on it so it may still be OK.


Something strikes me while looking into the boot-up log:

DRAM: 959.5 MiB

I double checked and the specs of the board say it should have 2G :astonished:

The free command confirm that amount later-on.
root@linaro-developer:~# free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 928 60 788 12 79 791
Swap: 0 0 0

Any idea about this?

All current boards have 1G RAM (see spec on the sales link):

Assuming the specs you checked where the 96Boards web site then I think
this is a mistake and I have submitted a bug about it:

OK fine! Seems like I’ve skipped the detailed Ali-express specs. Thanks for fixing for others to know :wink: