Hi Everyone!
i was hoping to get here some giudelines on how to properly build android image for the DragonBoard 410c.
So far what i’ve tried was downloading the proprietary support package, cloning sources and after some fiddling with the build system setup, downloading ~~60GB of sources and compiling it all on a 2CPU (8 core) 96GB ram server for about 6 hours , successfully building the images, that were later flashed.
Now my problem is that even though in the release notes on the :
(is there a newer support package ? is there a pre-built sd card image that is built using this or newer support package ???)
it says that the GPS is validated, i could not get it to work.
i’ve tried to figure out which kernel module/s are responsible for the GPS and if they are loaded but failed.
the only loaded module in Android (LSMOD) was the wifi.
It could be that the proprietary modules were build in the kernel , but i could not find the (MAKE) kernel config file nor could i run the (MAKE MENUCONFIG) to see how and which things are build or not.
I’ve seen the thread here on the forum regarding the linux and android GPS issues, but i did not get the actual answers there.
Considering the release notes on the package above is GPS working on android or not ?
In the other thread its was mentioned to follow the Antenna guide, do i MUST do the antenna mod to enable GPS ? Because my understanding is that the board has a build it antenna.
The other thing is the ROOT access, installing the custom recovery and so on.
I see that i have some kind of root access, however say SuperSu tells me there is no (SU) binary. there is one, but i have no idea why its not suitable for SuperSu.
So is there a way to install SuperSu or similar software?
Is there a way to install custom recovery like TWRP???
And the last thing: is there a way to install gapps () ? – this is for testing purposes only .
Any info, suggestion and or advice is highly appreciated.
P.S. : im trying to build a IVI (carputer, carpc or whatever other name :)) and the GPS is kind of essential here
i will be adding the can bus as well to control digital amplifier but this is at the later stages