Install Xenomai on DB410C
The following part should be done on Linux OS (VM is also an option)
Download ipipe-jro-410c.linaro-15.07
(From URL:
File name: ipipe-jro-410c.linaro-15.07.tar.bz2 ) -
Download xenomai-jro-410c.linaro-15.07
Patch Xenomai into the download kernel (the one with ipipe we downloaded in step 1):
• cd xenomai-jro-410c.linaro-15.07/scripts
• ./ --arch=arm64 --linux=$kernel
($kernel= the path of ipipe we downloaded in step 1) -
Download GCC cross compiler:
gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu (the latest one is not suitable to this kernel) -
cd kernel (kernel = the path of ipipe we downloaded in step 1).
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-
make defconfig distro.config
make -j4 Image dtbs
(must write I = i capital letter) -
sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
git clone git:// -
./skales/dtbTool -o dt.img -s 2048 arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/
./skales/mkbootimg --kernel arch/arm64/boot/Image
–ramdisk initrd.img-4.9.27-linaro-lt-qcom
–output boot-db410c.img
–dt dt.img
–pagesize 2048
–base 0x80000000
–cmdline “root=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/rootfs rw rootwait console=ttyMSM0,115200n8” -
sudo fastboot flash boot boot-db410c.img
Reference to parts 1-3: Installing xemomai on 410c
Reference to parts 4-10:
After we’ve done with flashing the Dragonboard with the Xenomai patched kernel, a configuration of Xenomai must be done in order to use it properly. The following steps are done on the DB410C itself:
- Download xenomai-jro-410c.linaro-15.07.tar.bz2 natively and extract it.
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install automake
- sudo apt-get install libtool
- sudo apt-get install libltdl-dev
- sudo apt-get install autoconf
- sudo apt-get install dh-autoreconf
- cd to the directory you have downloaded xenomai at step 1
- ./scripts/bootstrap
- ./configure --with-core=cobalt --enable-smp --enable-pshared --enable-assert --prefix=/usr/xenomai
- make -j 4
- sudo make install
- sudo su
- sudo echo “/usr/xenomai/lib” > /etc/
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/xenomai/bin
- run latency check:
That’s it. You now have Xenomai installed and enabled on your board.
Here is an example of a simple “Hello World” program taken from here (just copy the code of Hello World section)
To compile the program use the following commands (ex01.c is the program you wish to compile)
Pay attention that ` = backtick.
- sudo su
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/xenomai/bin
- xeno-config --skin=native --cflags
- xeno-config --skin=native --ldflags
- export CFLAGS=
xeno-config --skin=native --cflags
- export LDFLAGS=
xeno-config --skin=native --ldflags
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/xenomai/lib/
For example:
gcc $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS /home/linaro/ex01.c -o ex01 - run you program
And of course you may use the full Xenomai API documentation from here to create your own programs
Credits: Special thanks go to Jorge Ramirez - ldts who helped us to get through a whole lot of obstacles during the process