Video Front End support


Is there any update on the support of RAW Bayer format conversion to NV12 through the PIX interface of the VFE?


We have some cameras in RAW Bayer format that we would love to use together with the encoder. Right now we are using the RDI interface of the VFE to get the camera output but we cannot ‘afford’ cpu format conversion to NV12 to use the encoder (which is the only input format supported).

I’ve been trying to understand a bit the VFE by checking this post: msm-4.9 but also the Qualcomm camera subsystem documentation. Is there any technical manual of the VFE available that we can check?

Also, there are two different implementations for the VFE module: the v4.1 (for 8x16) and the v4.7 (for 8x96). But I’m not really sure. Is that correct? If that’s correct, I guess it is a matter of porting the PIX interface format conversion from msm_isp47.c
to camss-vfe-4-7.c. Could you confirm that as well?

Besides the PIX interface, is there any other way to avoid conversion in the cpu? Maybe by using the DSP?

I’m sorry for asking so many questions in just one post.

Thank you in advance!

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Hi @danielq, The VFE is normally responsible for the debayering/demosaic, It’s possible to configure VFE PIX interface to accept RAW but the configuration of the demosaic block is proprietary, (I think it’s normally done in the userspace qcom camera daemon with msm camera driver).


Not entirely correct since configuration is partly done in user-space for the msm stack.

You can use the DSP on 820c/410c, but I’m not sure what gain you’ll get.

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