Vendor code for Hikey 620


I’m trying to run VTS on Hikey board. I’m getting error like
E/VtsVendorConfigFileUtil: Vendor test config file /config/vts-tradefed-vendor-config-prod.json does not exist
and in the source code which I have downloaded from AOSP there is no vendor directory. Where can I get Vendor specific code for Hikey 620.


@Poojashree Just fyi I don’t have this file either but afaik it doesn’t affect the tests. Not sure if anyone has actually written a vts vendor config for hikey. Don’t think so though.

Thank you for replying. Can the VTS built ( for other platform can be used for running VTS on Hikey?

You’re welcome. I’ve never tried VTS built for another platform on Hikey, so can’t really say if it can be used or not. I don’t think there’s anything platform specific in VTS, so it might be possible as long as the version is the same, but I might be wrong. Perhaps you can try and find out. Or you can always just build your own using the instructions @ Using Reference Boards  |  Android Open Source Project. Instead of make -j32, just run make -j32 vts. The zip file will be at out/host/linux-x86/vts.

I have built vts for Hikey, but in the test report all the tests are getting failed (even vtscodelabhelloworld) . But when I used vts built for other board (imx7) on hikey test results are getting passed. Doesn’t the testcase differ for different boards depending on the modules present.

Doesn’t the testcase differ for different boards depending on the modules present.

Sorry I don’t know. The only thing that comes to mind is to check that the code base or version used for building both vts and the images flashed to the board is the same. Also maybe check the version of vts for the imx7 for possible differences. Otherwise I’m out of ideas as well.

Hi @vchong,

As you said, the error “/config/vts-tradefed-vendor-config-prod.json does not exist” won’t affect the tests. But if we run VTS dashboard (test/vti/dashboard, the above error will come into the picture. Do you have any idea where the json file will be located? Or how can it be generated?
