Splash Screen at boot

Hello folks,

I’m wondering if anyone tried to customize the splash screen during the boot (instead of the logs).

Around that I have two questions :

  • I recently flash a custom kernel (with flashboot using the 96board tuto) and the logs disappeared, I guessed that I missed a command, before flashing, somewhere to enable them?
  • What would be the steps to be able to use plymouth or other splash plugins to customize the screen during the boot time ? (and also enable the fb)

Thanks for you help,



I have successfully applied the default (‘text’) splash and the tribar theme splash but there is no image displayed at all during the boot (just the progress bar).
Also as soon as I tried to use another plymouth theme like ‘glow’ if this theme is using a special plymouth script (for displaying an extra image for example) nothing is showing up at all.

My questions are :
Is there any other way to display an image during boot ?
Do we miss some png or bmp lib in the initrd ?
Why we even do not see the linux logo ?

I would really appreciate if someone could give a hand.

