Some Basic Tips

Some (perhaps obvious) observations when starting with the HiKey board:

  • Ensure that the board is not touching anything conductive when you use it, but don’t put adhesive silicone feet on the bottom - the adhesive on at least some of these feet has a low resistance and causes the board to malfunction.

  • The board runs dark - there are NO leds on by default. The caps lock indicator on a keyboard can be used as a quick sign-of-life. Hopefully this can be fixed in later builds – enabling one of the user LEDs in the bootloader, and enabling heartbeat trigger on a different LED by default in the kernel would be good - this would let you know if the board was on, whether you were in the bootloader or the kernel, and whether the kernel was still alive. Also note that the user LED designations on the board are off-by-one from the kernel - the board numbers the user LEDs 0-3 while the kernel numbers them 1-4 in /sys/class/leds/

  • Default user/pass is linaro/linaro

  • There is an unused partition in the default disk layout of the eMMC. Format and mount /dev/mmcblk0p8 (USERDATA) to gain an extra 1.5GB of space. (Verify that the disk layout hasn’t changed and that /dev/mmcblk0p8 is a 1.5G empty partition before doing this!).

I have the following lines temporarily added to /etc/rc.local:

Run dhclient on all eth* interfaces

for X in $(/sbin/ifconfig -a|sed -n “s/^(eth[0-9]+).*$/\1/p”)
/sbin/dhclient $X

Fake heartbeat on user_led1 (no heartbeat trigger configured yet)

(while true
echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/user_led1/brightness
sleep 0.05
echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/user_led1/brightness
sleep 0.05
echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/user_led1/brightness
sleep 0.05
echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/user_led1/brightness
sleep 0.85

Thanks for sharing!