Receive data from a RF module (NRF24l01) using Mezzanine Grove kit, and send to Dragonboard

Hello everyone,

Do somebody already tried to use a NRF24L01 with a mezzanine, to receive data and send to dragonboard?
The data flow that I want to implement is:

PC —> Arduino —> NRF24L01 (RF module TX) -----> NRF24L01 (receiver) —> Mezzanine —> Dragonboard.

Anyone already tried this solution?

Thanks a lot

Receive data from a RF module using Mezzanine Grove kit

No but it looks great, make sure that the sensor board has appropriate level shifters if the NRF module works on a different voltage (seems to be 5v). And let we know when you have an operational setup :wink: