"No such partition" error while flashing AOSP-985

Hello All,

I am trying to flash my HiKey960v2 with this factory image : https://snapshots.linaro.org/96boards/hikey960/linaro/aosp-master/985/

When I run the flash-all script, after running fastboot flash fastboot hisi-fastboot.img I get the error “FAILED (remote: No such partition.)”

Looks like the hisi-ptable.img bundled in the zip file doesn’t contain the required partitions for the subsequent commands.

Can someone please clarify if I need to try another revision or missing something here ?

Thanks in advance,

I think you are using a mismatched ptable.img; if you are using hisi-ptable.img, you should use the ptable in $aosp/device/linaro/hikey/installer/hikey960/prm_ptable.img. Otherwise, you also could use the latest booting images and its corresponding prm_ptable.img in the folder: http://snapshots.linaro.org/reference-platform/components/uefi-staging/latest/hikey960/debug/.