LTE modem to D410c, no Mobile networks menu


I wanna test an USB typed LTE modem to D410c,
but Android Lollipop does not have ‘Mobile Networks’ setting menu.

Any ideas about this ?


If you want to integrate this as a standard modem (AT commands…), You will have to integrate or implement the radio hal (cf RIL Refactoring  |  Android Open Source Project). Note that Android provides a basic vendor RIL with minimum feature set (hardware/ril/reference-ril).

Thanks @Loic ,

RIL and Modem operation checked.
But device cannot get an IP address. No ‘Mobile networks’ menu to configure.
To add this menu on Lollipop, what shall I do?


I think you need to edit the framework config overlay:

I suggest you to add the mobile network attribute:
<string-array translatable="false" name="networkAttributes">

You can look at device/google/marlin/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml for example.

VERY thanks @Loic ,

I will check the file if mobile network is added.


Hi mipsan,
i’ve the problem !!
Did you resolved the problem ?!?!
In particular, in which manner did you manage config.xml ?!?!

Thank you