Is "RK1808 EVB User Guide_V10_20181226.pdf" useful for TB-96AIOT?

The RK1808 EVB PCB photo is different from the TB-96AIOT PCB photo.
Is it correct to use the board config “rk1808_linux_defconfig” that I received below?
( Build Buildroot Linux Source for TB-96AIoT - 96Boards )
( docs\ SoC platform related\RK1808\RK1808 EVB User Guide_V10_20181226.pdf )
( )

The RK1808 EVB User Guide_V10_20181226.pdf in “TB-96AIOT 96Boards source code” seem to Guide for RK EVB Board. Are the EVB Guide Ducuments in “TB-96AIOT 96Boards source code” useful for TB-96AIOT ?

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These guides are directly provided by the vendor, so yes these should work just fine

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