I’ll be browsing the forum here next time. Formulating questions is not really easy.
But i have so manny , nooooooo
Google helped me to write in English and I’ll start with two basic questions. I have lost track of the redesigned linaro website and 96boards realease / build / snapshots domains. But recently I found a nice Debian_stetch_developer / alip archive with the matching boot images. Before I try all now knows someone of you a debian stretch alip version (with mali-gpu driver) would be glad if this is available. If there were, I would definitely need a matching UEFI, Fastboot, l-loader, fib, nvme, and the python file to do that. These are the things I never had to do myself. I was not able to draw the appropriate boot-image to the kernel from the templates of the public images. the best to configure everything but I can not find any instructions. I think if I understood that I would like to think about android. But first Debian must fulfill its purpose.
Thank you for your attention
best regards