I just start the highkey960, now for my research work, I need to turn on Wi-Fi hotspot, but after click the switch button, it will back to grey status. And show Error in Wi-Fi hotspot item.
Part logs attached here:
32418 07-12 20:26:34.082 3053 3053 D SettingsActivity: Switching to fragment com.android.settings.wifi.tether.WifiTetherSettings
32419 07-12 20:26:34.082 3053 3053 D SubSettings: Launching fragment com.android.settings.wifi.tether.WifiTetherSettings
32420 07-12 20:26:34.092 2733 4162 I WifiService: getWifiApConfiguration uid=1000
32422 07-12 20:26:34.094 2733 4162 I WifiService: getWifiApConfiguration uid=1000
32423 07-12 20:26:34.095 2733 3437 I WifiService: getWifiApConfiguration uid=1000
32426 07-12 20:26:34.096 2733 3437 I WifiService: setWifiApConfiguration uid=1000
32427 07-12 20:26:34.097 3053 3053 D WifiTetherApBandPref: 5Ghz not supported, updating band index to 0
32428 07-12 20:26:34.097 3053 3053 D WifiTetherSettings: NO dashboard tiles for WifiTetherSettings
32429 07-12 20:26:34.097 3053 3053 D WifiTetherSettings: All preferences added, reporting fully drawn
32454 07-12 20:26:34.683 3053 3053 V WifiManager: unregisterSoftApCallback: callback=com.android.settings.wifi.tether.WifiTetherSoftApManager$1@48b9992
33457 07-12 20:26:39.452 2733 3193 I WifiService: startSoftAp uid=1000
33458 07-12 20:26:39.453 2733 2834 D WifiActiveModeWarden: Starting SoftApModeManager
33459 07-12 20:26:39.453 2733 2733 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0: content://settings/global/wifi_saved_state
33477 07-12 20:26:39.527 28848 28848 I ServiceManagement: Registered android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd/default (start delay of 44ms)
33478 07-12 20:26:39.528 2733 3250 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.0::IHostapd/default
33479 07-12 20:26:39.529 2404 2404 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd/default in either framework or device manifest.
33509 07-12 20:26:39.561 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Vendor Hal not supported, ignoring createApIface.
33510 07-12 20:26:39.563 2733 2834 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default
33511 07-12 20:26:39.619 3232 3232 I wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
33514 07-12 20:26:39.634 2541 2541 I wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for interface with index: 6
33516 07-12 20:26:39.647 2733 2834 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Terminating supplicant using HIDL
33517 07-12 20:26:39.648 2733 2834 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default
33518 07-12 20:26:39.649 3232 3232 I wpa_supplicant: Terminating…
33519 07-12 20:26:39.649 2733 2834 D WifiClientModeManager: STA iface wlan0 was destroyed, stopping client mode
33520 07-12 20:26:39.649 2733 2834 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Can’t call setPowerSave, ISupplicantStaIface is null
33521 07-12 20:26:39.649 2733 2834 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Can’t call setBtCoexistenceMode, ISupplicantStaIface is null
33522 07-12 20:26:39.650 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Successfully torn down Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=0,Type=STA_CONNECTIVITY}
33523 07-12 20:26:39.650 2733 2834 D WificondControl: Setting up interface for soft ap mode
33525 07-12 20:26:39.655 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Successfully setup Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=1,Type=AP}
33526 07-12 20:26:39.656 2404 2404 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.2::ISupplicant/default in either framework or device manifest.
33527 07-12 20:26:39.656 2733 2834 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Method getKeyMgmtCapabilities is not supported in existing HAL
33528 07-12 20:26:39.656 2733 2834 W HalDevMgr: isWifiStarted called but mWifi is null!?
33529 07-12 20:26:39.658 2733 2733 D WifiService: handleWifiApStateChange: currentState=12 previousState=11 errorCode= -1 ifaceName=wlan0 mode=1
33530 07-12 20:26:39.660 2404 2404 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd/default in either framework or device manifest.
33532 07-12 20:26:39.660 2733 2834 E WifiNative: Failed to add acccess point
33534 07-12 20:26:39.661 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Vendor Hal not supported, ignoring removeApIface.
33535 07-12 20:26:39.661 2733 2733 D WifiService: handleWifiApStateChange: currentState=14 previousState=12 errorCode= 0 ifaceName=wlan0 mode=1
33537 07-12 20:26:39.662 2733 2733 D WifiService: updateInterfaceIpState: ifaceName=null mode=-1 previous mode= -1
33539 07-12 20:26:39.662 2733 2834 E WifiNative: Failed to remove access point on Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=1,Type=AP}
33541 07-12 20:26:39.662 2733 2733 E WifiController: SoftAP start failed
33542 07-12 20:26:39.662 2733 2834 D WificondControl: tearing down interfaces in wificond
33546 07-12 20:26:39.664 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Vendor Hal not supported, ignoring stop.
33547 07-12 20:26:39.664 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Successfully torn down Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=1,Type=AP}
33548 07-12 20:26:39.664 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Successfully initiated teardown for iface=wlan0