I can't turn on Wi-Fi hotspot

I just start the highkey960, now for my research work, I need to turn on Wi-Fi hotspot, but after click the switch button, it will back to grey status. And show Error in Wi-Fi hotspot item.

Part logs attached here:

32418 07-12 20:26:34.082 3053 3053 D SettingsActivity: Switching to fragment com.android.settings.wifi.tether.WifiTetherSettings
32419 07-12 20:26:34.082 3053 3053 D SubSettings: Launching fragment com.android.settings.wifi.tether.WifiTetherSettings
32420 07-12 20:26:34.092 2733 4162 I WifiService: getWifiApConfiguration uid=1000
32422 07-12 20:26:34.094 2733 4162 I WifiService: getWifiApConfiguration uid=1000
32423 07-12 20:26:34.095 2733 3437 I WifiService: getWifiApConfiguration uid=1000
32426 07-12 20:26:34.096 2733 3437 I WifiService: setWifiApConfiguration uid=1000
32427 07-12 20:26:34.097 3053 3053 D WifiTetherApBandPref: 5Ghz not supported, updating band index to 0
32428 07-12 20:26:34.097 3053 3053 D WifiTetherSettings: NO dashboard tiles for WifiTetherSettings
32429 07-12 20:26:34.097 3053 3053 D WifiTetherSettings: All preferences added, reporting fully drawn
32454 07-12 20:26:34.683 3053 3053 V WifiManager: unregisterSoftApCallback: callback=com.android.settings.wifi.tether.WifiTetherSoftApManager$1@48b9992
33457 07-12 20:26:39.452 2733 3193 I WifiService: startSoftAp uid=1000
33458 07-12 20:26:39.453 2733 2834 D WifiActiveModeWarden: Starting SoftApModeManager
33459 07-12 20:26:39.453 2733 2733 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0: content://settings/global/wifi_saved_state
33477 07-12 20:26:39.527 28848 28848 I ServiceManagement: Registered android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd/default (start delay of 44ms)
33478 07-12 20:26:39.528 2733 3250 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.0::IHostapd/default
33479 07-12 20:26:39.529 2404 2404 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd/default in either framework or device manifest.
33509 07-12 20:26:39.561 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Vendor Hal not supported, ignoring createApIface.
33510 07-12 20:26:39.563 2733 2834 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default
33511 07-12 20:26:39.619 3232 3232 I wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
33514 07-12 20:26:39.634 2541 2541 I wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for interface with index: 6
33516 07-12 20:26:39.647 2733 2834 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Terminating supplicant using HIDL
33517 07-12 20:26:39.648 2733 2834 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default
33518 07-12 20:26:39.649 3232 3232 I wpa_supplicant: Terminating…
33519 07-12 20:26:39.649 2733 2834 D WifiClientModeManager: STA iface wlan0 was destroyed, stopping client mode
33520 07-12 20:26:39.649 2733 2834 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Can’t call setPowerSave, ISupplicantStaIface is null
33521 07-12 20:26:39.649 2733 2834 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Can’t call setBtCoexistenceMode, ISupplicantStaIface is null
33522 07-12 20:26:39.650 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Successfully torn down Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=0,Type=STA_CONNECTIVITY}
33523 07-12 20:26:39.650 2733 2834 D WificondControl: Setting up interface for soft ap mode
33525 07-12 20:26:39.655 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Successfully setup Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=1,Type=AP}
33526 07-12 20:26:39.656 2404 2404 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.2::ISupplicant/default in either framework or device manifest.
33527 07-12 20:26:39.656 2733 2834 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Method getKeyMgmtCapabilities is not supported in existing HAL
33528 07-12 20:26:39.656 2733 2834 W HalDevMgr: isWifiStarted called but mWifi is null!?
33529 07-12 20:26:39.658 2733 2733 D WifiService: handleWifiApStateChange: currentState=12 previousState=11 errorCode= -1 ifaceName=wlan0 mode=1
33530 07-12 20:26:39.660 2404 2404 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd/default in either framework or device manifest.
33532 07-12 20:26:39.660 2733 2834 E WifiNative: Failed to add acccess point
33534 07-12 20:26:39.661 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Vendor Hal not supported, ignoring removeApIface.
33535 07-12 20:26:39.661 2733 2733 D WifiService: handleWifiApStateChange: currentState=14 previousState=12 errorCode= 0 ifaceName=wlan0 mode=1
33537 07-12 20:26:39.662 2733 2733 D WifiService: updateInterfaceIpState: ifaceName=null mode=-1 previous mode= -1
33539 07-12 20:26:39.662 2733 2834 E WifiNative: Failed to remove access point on Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=1,Type=AP}
33541 07-12 20:26:39.662 2733 2733 E WifiController: SoftAP start failed
33542 07-12 20:26:39.662 2733 2834 D WificondControl: tearing down interfaces in wificond
33546 07-12 20:26:39.664 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Vendor Hal not supported, ignoring stop.
33547 07-12 20:26:39.664 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Successfully torn down Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=1,Type=AP}
33548 07-12 20:26:39.664 2733 2834 I WifiNative: Successfully initiated teardown for iface=wlan0

I would imagine that it is not an often tested feature, since the wifi would normally be used to obtain the network connection and would therefore be unavailable for use as an access point.

The case is when the user has a sim card, and can connect to 4G data, he can set the phone as hotspot, then connect, for example, his laptop to the phone, then connect to internet.

I didn’t say there was no use case for it. I said that very few people are likely to be using it in that manner, and therefore the chance of detecting the bug will be low.

I would suggest trying to build AOSP from an older known good manifest to try to narrow down when the bug appeared, or if it’s always been there.

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For those who visit this post, the issue resolved by change to an older version.

Refer to the other topic:

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Hi all,

Facing similar issue, but root cause might be different.
Unable to turn on hotspot from UI, getting below error :

04-24 22:58:36.957 2685 2783 E HostapdHal: Registering IHostapd service ready callback.
04-24 22:58:36.958 2685 2783 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default
04-24 22:58:36.962 2685 2783 E HostapdHal: Successfully triggered start of hostapd using HIDL
04-24 22:58:41.989 2685 2783 E WifiNative: Failed to connect to hostapd
04-24 22:58:41.989 2685 2783 E WifiNative: Failed to start hostapd
04-24 22:58:41.989 2685 2783 E SoftApManager: setup failure when creating ap interface.

I have already registered hostapd service in init.rc :
service hostapd /system/vendor/bin/hw/hostapd
-e /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin -c /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf -dddddddt
interface android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.0::IHostapd default
interface android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd default
socket wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi
class main

But still ServiceManager is unable to fetch IHostapd.getService().
Can someone please guide me on this.

Thanks in advance,