Hikey960 VNDK library problem

Hello Brother,
Currently I am working with Hikey96 and face some troublesome. I followed instruction that you write bellow :

mkdir ~/aosp
cd ~/aosp
repo init -u platform/manifest - Git at Google -b master
repo sync -j$(nproc)
. ./build/envsetup.sh
lunch hikey960-userdebug
make -j12

But during [make -j$(nproc) ] one error is occured and the programmed was also runing.That error was just like this:

error: VNDK library: libandroid_net’s ABI has EXTENDING CHANGES Please check compatibility report at: out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/native/android/libandroid_net/android_arm64_armv8-a_cortex-a73_core_shared/libandroid_net.so.abidiff

Is there any problem occur in future for this reason?

Thanks in advance.