HiKey960 AOSP+OP-TEE display distortion issue

Hi, I have a problem with AOSP+OP-TEE hdmi displaying

board: HiKey960 4GB
branch version: 3.4.2
display monitor: 7inch HDMI LCD(B) USB Capacitive Touch 800x480 Pixel Rev2.1

Touch works but display distortion happens.
Monitor display and touch works well with my windows PC.

I’ve edited resolution params in BoardConfig.mk or device-hikey960.mk at optee_android_manifest/device/linaro/hikey/hikey960 and built, but I couldn’t solve this problem.

It would be very helpful to tell me some method to solve.

There might be some way considering of the post below, I guess.

I found the solution.

I just applied the source and built, flashed according to the below page.

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