Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone can give some guidance on how to properly configure Ethernet (using a USB dongle, of course) to use a Static IP / netmask / gateway please? There does not seem to be any built-in Ethernet or Networking configuration items in the Settings area within Android, as I have seen on other devices. Here are the details and steps I have tried thus far…
First and foremost, Android recognizes the eth0 device and DHCP works, and I can browse the internet with Chrome while Wireless is off.
So, without any GUI for manipulating Ethernet (that I have found, anyways), I assume it needs to be done via command line. Using Terminal Emulator on Android does not work, as there are no Root permissions onboard. ADB Shell does offer Root access, but ADB over micro-USB port of course disables the full size USB ports, and eth0 thus disappears from the system at that point. However, ADB via TCPIP over Wi-Fi does work, so I can connect to ADB Shell, run ‘su’, and run:
ifconfig eth0 [IP] netmask [NETMASK]
route add default gw [GATEWAY] dev eth0
setprop net.eth0.dns1
setprop net.eth0.dns2
At this point, ‘ifconfig -a’ shows the correct settings for eth0. My thought is that disabling Wi-Fi at this point would then turn over networking to the Ethernet device (and of course subsequently kill my ADB session, but that’s fine).
However, I cannot browse the internet with Chrome or Browser at this point. Any hints as to what might be going on here? Any advice on getting Ethernet configured properly if I am not doing correctly?
Thanks for the assistance.