After building latest AOSP master (Apr, 23rd “known good” manifest) and K4.14, I get Android successfully booted when an HDMI display is attached.
But… For some reason I need to boot the board without any display.
This was actually possible with earlier AOSP master (last Sep, 2018) and K4.9 without any tweak.
For example, the sys.boot_completed property is not set,
and getting such periodic error message when no display attached:
console:/ $ [ 390.397635] init: starting service ‘netd’…
[ 390.407552] init: Created socket ‘/dev/socket/netd’, mode 660, user 0, group 1000
[ 390.416555] init: Created socket ‘/dev/socket/dnsproxyd’, mode 660, user 0, group 3003
[ 390.425637] init: Created socket ‘/dev/socket/mdns’, mode 660, user 0, group 1000
[ 390.432286] init: starting service ‘zygote’…
[ 390.434047] init: Created socket ‘/dev/socket/fwmarkd’, mode 660, user 0, group 3003
[ 390.444460] init: Created socket ‘/dev/socket/zygote’, mode 660, user 0, group 1000
[ 390.452056] init: starting service ‘zygote_secondary’…
[ 390.453619] init: Created socket ‘/dev/socket/blastula_pool’, mode 660, user 0, group 1000
[ 390.462809] init: starting service ‘audioserver’…
[ 390.706846] logd: logdr: UID=1000 GID=1003 PID=8150 n tail=50 logMask=8 pid=8102 start=0ns timeout=0ns
[ 390.718821] logd: logdr: UID=1000 GID=1003 PID=8150 n tail=50 logMask=1 pid=8102 start=0ns timeout=0ns
[ 390.750836] logd: logdr: UID=1000 GID=1003 PID=8150 n tail=0 logMask=8 pid=8102 start=0ns timeout=0ns
[ 390.764385] logd: logdr: UID=1000 GID=1003 PID=8150 n tail=0 logMask=1 pid=8102 start=0ns timeout=0ns
[ 390.804684] binder: release 8102:8102 transaction 42122 in, still active
[ 390.811423] binder: release 8102:8102 transaction 42117 out, still active
[ 390.818366] binder: send failed reply for transaction 42122 to 2518:2646
[ 390.825341] binder: 2518:2646 transaction failed 29189/0, size 4-0 line 3050
[ 390.832443] binder: send failed reply for transaction 42117, target dead
Any hint with kernel build configuration, or command line is appreciated!
Thanks & Regards.