Arrow DragonConnect project

Hi Gents

I am trying to get the “Arrow DragonConnect project” going on my DragonBoard and I am having a hard time. I have tried this several times, but no luck so far. I am basically following the instructions from Here is what I am doing:

  1. Creating a new user on AWS (identical to the instructions )
  2. Run aws configure command, using:
  • my “AWS Access Key ID”, “AWS Secret Access Key” and “Default region name” (I left it to us-east-1, albeit I am based in Europe!)
  1. download the dragonconnect from github (as per the instructions) and run ./configure, which throws tons of errors!
  2. run the client (sudo ./aws_demo)

I cannot connect with the browser either of the first 2 given URLs at the end of the setup script. The errors are for:
AWS Endpoint (the first one in the list):
{“message”:“Missing Authentication Token”,"traceId:“d2eae…0d98”}
and for:
AWS API Gateway:
{“message”:“Missing Authentication Token”}
I can get however to the DragonConnect Dashboard. The url looks like this:

However, when I try to start the aws_demo (using sudo ./aws_demo) it throws an error:

linaro@linaro-alip:~/Documents/arrow/aws-iot-dragonconnect-c/DragonBoard/bin$ sudo ./aws_demo
ThingID: 9a0675017cb7434489c1dca1c9f1c1a2
rootCA: …/certs/rootCA.crt
clientCRT: …/certs/aws.crt
clientKey: …/certs/aws.key

Connecting to :8883
iot_tls_connect Error 1: -8ERROR: main L#205 Error[-8] connecting to :8883
Subscribing to topic:$aws/things/9a0675017cb7434489c1dca1c9f1c1a2/shadow/update/delta
ERROR: main L#216 Error[-4] subscribing to topic: $aws/things/%s/shadow/update/delta
Entering main-loop, please press ctrl-c to quit the demo-app:

So it seems that something cannot connect to something.

Unfortunately, I don’t even know where to start. My huntch is that this has to do with the different domains, again, I am based in Europe and the AWS servers probably have different domain names, but that is just a wild guess. I will post the log file from the setup script if needed (they are very long and this forum doesnt allow attachements afaik), so let me know.

Thank you for any help


So, here is the output/log from when I do the script. Not sure where to start really, there are quite a number of errors and warnings. Any help would be appreciated!


linaro@linaro-alip:~/Documents/arrow/aws-iot-dragonconnect-c/scripts$ ./

Welcome to Arrow’s DragonConnect for Amazon AWS

This script will setup and provision your DragonConnect

DragonConnect should exist at /home/linaro/Documents/arrow/aws-iot-dragonconnect-c
Amazon AWS Account Number:

Using eu-west-1 as AWS Region

Enter a Stage (Default is dev, Typical Stages are prod,test,qa):

Using dev as API Stage

Enter a S3 Identifier (Default with be a random hash. Typical Identifiers can be something like Your Username):

Using crayfish as S3 Identifier

***Creating Config for Arrow and AWS…
***Creating Amazon IAM and IoT Elements…
dragonconnect-config@0.1.0 node_modules/dragonconnect-config
Role DragonConnect-ApiGateway-2955 already exists.
Role DragonConnect-IoT-2955 already exists.
Role DragonConnect-Lambda-2955 already exists.
IoT Policy of DragonConnect already exists
IoT Topic Rule of DragonConnectAudioEvents already exists
Setting the IoT logging options
Table DragonConnect-audioEvents already exists
***Modifying Amazon lambda functions…
npm WARN package.json dragonconnect-lambda@0.1.0 No README data
dragonconnect-config@0.1.0 node_modules/dragonconnect-config
npm ERR! error rolling back Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink ‘/usr/local/bin/grunt’
npm ERR! error rolling back at Error (native)
npm ERR! error rolling back grunt-cli@1.2.0 { [Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink ‘/usr/local/bin/grunt’]
npm ERR! error rolling back errno: -13,
npm ERR! error rolling back code: ‘EACCES’,
npm ERR! error rolling back syscall: ‘unlink’,
npm ERR! error rolling back path: ‘/usr/local/bin/grunt’ }
npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink ‘/usr/local/bin/grunt’
npm ERR! at Error (native)
npm ERR! { [Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink ‘/usr/local/bin/grunt’]
npm ERR! errno: -13,
npm ERR! code: ‘EACCES’,
npm ERR! syscall: ‘unlink’,
npm ERR! path: ‘/usr/local/bin/grunt’ }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.

npm ERR! System Linux 4.4.23-linaro-lt-qcom
npm ERR! command “/usr/bin/nodejs” “/usr/bin/npm” “install” “-g” “grunt-cli”
npm ERR! cwd /home/linaro/Documents/arrow/aws-iot-dragonconnect-c/lambda
npm ERR! node -v v4.4.3
npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.21
npm ERR! path /usr/local/bin/grunt
npm ERR! syscall unlink
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! stack Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink ‘/usr/local/bin/grunt’
npm ERR! stack at Error (native)
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
npm ERR! /home/linaro/Documents/arrow/aws-iot-dragonconnect-c/lambda/npm-debug.log
npm ERR! not ok code 0
npm WARN package.json dragonconnect-lambda@0.1.0 No README data
Loading “Gruntfile.js” tasks…ERROR
>> Error: Cannot find module ‘…/lang/isNative’
Warning: Task “create” not found. Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.
***Configuring Amazon API gateway…

Detected 2955 as API Gateway Extension

./ line 268: dragonconnect.yaml: Permission denied
2016-11-04 17:39:20,678 INFO - Using API Gateway endpoint
2016-11-04 17:39:28,875 INFO - Attempting to create API from Swagger definition. Swagger file: dragonconnect.yaml
reading from dragonconnect.yaml
2016-11-04 17:39:30,032 WARN - no property from integer, long, {ENUM=null, TITLE=null, DESCRIPTION=The time the event occurred in seconds from the Epoch, UTC.
2016-11-04 17:39:30,641 INFO - Parsed Swagger with 4 paths
2016-11-04 17:39:30,642 INFO - Creating API with name Arrow DragonConnect
2016-11-04 17:39:32,185 INFO - Removing default model Empty
2016-11-04 17:39:32,511 INFO - Removing default model Error
2016-11-04 17:39:32,879 INFO - Creating model for api id 11w1czyng4 with name AudioEvent
2016-11-04 17:39:33,849 INFO - Generated json-schema for model AudioEvent: {“type”:“object”,“required”:[“volume”],“properties”:{“volume”:{“type”:“string”,“description”:“Whether the volume was increased or decreased.\n”,“enum”:[“increase”,“decrease”]}},“definitions”:{}}
2016-11-04 17:39:34,167 INFO - Creating model for api id 11w1czyng4 with name AudioEventList
2016-11-04 17:39:34,210 INFO - Generated json-schema for model AudioEventList: {“type”:“array”,“items”:{"$ref":"#/definitions/AudioEvent"},“definitions”:{“AudioEvent”:{“type”:“object”,“required”:[“volume”],“properties”:{“volume”:{“type”:“string”,“description”:“Whether the volume was increased or decreased.\n”,“enum”:[“increase”,“decrease”]}}}}}
2016-11-04 17:39:34,538 INFO - Creating model for api id 11w1czyng4 with name LED
2016-11-04 17:39:34,597 INFO - Generated json-schema for model LED: {“type”:“object”,“required”:[“active”],“properties”:{“active”:{“type”:“boolean”,“description”:“True if the LED is active, false if it is inactive.\n”,“default”:false}},“definitions”:{}}
2016-11-04 17:39:34,956 INFO - Creating model for api id 11w1czyng4 with name Thing
2016-11-04 17:39:35,952 INFO - Generated json-schema for model Thing: {“type”:“object”,“required”:[“thingId”],“properties”:{“thingId”:{“type”:“string”,“description”:“The attribute name.\n”,“minLength”:1,“maxLength”:255,“pattern”:"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]$"},“attributes”:{“type”:“object”,“description”:“The attributes of a thing.\n”,“additionalProperties”:{“type”:“string”}}},“definitions”:{}}
2016-11-04 17:39:36,335 INFO - Creating model for api id 11w1czyng4 with name ThingList
2016-11-04 17:39:36,445 INFO - Generated json-schema for model ThingList: {“type”:“array”,“items”:{"$ref":"#/definitions/Thing"},“definitions”:{“Thing”:{“type”:“object”,“required”:[“thingId”],“properties”:{“thingId”:{“type”:“string”,“description”:“The attribute name.\n”,“minLength”:1,“maxLength”:255,“pattern”:"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]$"},“attributes”:{“type”:“object”,“description”:“The attributes of a thing.\n”,“additionalProperties”:{“type”:“string”}}}}}}
2016-11-04 17:39:36,854 INFO - Creating model for api id 11w1czyng4 with name Error
2016-11-04 17:39:36,881 INFO - Generated json-schema for model Error: {“type”:“object”,“required”:[“message”],“properties”:{“message”:{“type”:“string”}},“definitions”:{}}
2016-11-04 17:39:37,484 INFO - Creating resource ‘things’ on fxc4nbf1fl
2016-11-04 17:39:39,064 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 200
2016-11-04 17:39:39,496 INFO - Found reference to existing model ThingList
2016-11-04 17:39:40,172 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 500
2016-11-04 17:39:40,533 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:39:41,209 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET with name method.request.header.Content-Type
2016-11-04 17:39:41,663 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET with name method.request.header.Accept
2016-11-04 17:39:42,018 INFO - Creating integration with type AWS
2016-11-04 17:39:44,756 INFO - Creating method for api id 11w1czyng4 and resource id 9slb4w with method get
2016-11-04 17:39:45,766 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method OPTIONS and status 200
2016-11-04 17:39:47,180 INFO - Creating integration with type MOCK
2016-11-04 17:39:48,425 INFO - Creating method for api id 11w1czyng4 and resource id 9slb4w with method options
2016-11-04 17:39:48,857 INFO - Creating resource ‘{thingId}’ on 9slb4w
2016-11-04 17:39:50,270 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 200
2016-11-04 17:39:50,483 INFO - Found reference to existing model Thing
2016-11-04 17:39:50,823 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 400
2016-11-04 17:39:51,108 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:39:51,783 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 404
2016-11-04 17:39:52,087 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:39:52,550 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 500
2016-11-04 17:39:52,874 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:39:53,526 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET with name method.request.header.Content-Type
2016-11-04 17:39:53,806 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET with name method.request.header.Accept
2016-11-04 17:39:54,193 INFO - Creating integration with type AWS
2016-11-04 17:39:56,716 INFO - Creating method for api id 11w1czyng4 and resource id via0r3 with method get
2016-11-04 17:39:57,083 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method OPTIONS and status 200
2016-11-04 17:39:57,741 INFO - Creating integration with type MOCK
2016-11-04 17:39:58,737 INFO - Creating method for api id 11w1czyng4 and resource id via0r3 with method options
2016-11-04 17:39:59,718 INFO - Creating resource ‘audio’ on via0r3
2016-11-04 17:40:00,749 INFO - Creating resource ‘events’ on lfzdvv
2016-11-04 17:40:01,987 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 200
2016-11-04 17:40:02,350 INFO - Found reference to existing model AudioEventList
2016-11-04 17:40:03,024 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 404
2016-11-04 17:40:03,400 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:40:03,935 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 500
2016-11-04 17:40:04,236 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:40:04,841 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET with name method.request.header.Content-Type
2016-11-04 17:40:05,181 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET with name method.request.header.Accept
2016-11-04 17:40:05,509 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET with name method.request.querystring.limit
2016-11-04 17:40:05,855 INFO - Creating integration with type AWS
2016-11-04 17:40:09,612 INFO - Creating method for api id 11w1czyng4 and resource id 5tj29g with method get
2016-11-04 17:40:10,104 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method OPTIONS and status 200
2016-11-04 17:40:10,771 INFO - Creating integration with type MOCK
2016-11-04 17:40:11,585 INFO - Creating method for api id 11w1czyng4 and resource id 5tj29g with method options
2016-11-04 17:40:12,284 INFO - Creating resource ‘led’ on via0r3
2016-11-04 17:40:12,732 INFO - Found input model reference AudioEvent
2016-11-04 17:40:13,103 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method POST and status 202
2016-11-04 17:40:13,711 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method POST and status 400
2016-11-04 17:40:13,928 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:40:14,358 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method POST and status 404
2016-11-04 17:40:14,567 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:40:15,008 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method POST and status 500
2016-11-04 17:40:15,240 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:40:15,723 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method POST with name method.request.header.Content-Type
2016-11-04 17:40:15,997 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng
2016-11-04 17:40:16,318 INFO - Creating integration with type AWS
2016-11-04 17:40:20,065 INFO - Creating method for api id 11w1czyng4 and resource id vego14 with method post
2016-11-04 17:40:20,752 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 200
2016-11-04 17:40:21,114 INFO - Found reference to existing model LED
2016-11-04 17:40:21,645 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 400
2016-11-04 17:40:21,940 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:40:22,532 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 404
2016-11-04 17:40:22,839 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:40:23,486 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET and status 500
2016-11-04 17:40:23,822 INFO - Found reference to existing model Error
2016-11-04 17:40:24,441 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET with name method.request.header.Content-Type
2016-11-04 17:40:24,799 INFO - Creating method parameter for api 11w1czyng4 and method GET with name method.request.header.Accept
2016-11-04 17:40:25,157 INFO - Creating integration with type AWS
2016-11-04 17:40:28,930 INFO - Creating method for api id 11w1czyng4 and resource id vego14 with method get
2016-11-04 17:40:29,617 INFO - Creating method response for api 11w1czyng4 and method OPTIONS and status 200
2016-11-04 17:40:30,466 INFO - Creating integration with type MOCK
2016-11-04 17:40:31,714 INFO - Creating method for api id 11w1czyng4 and resource id vego14 with method options
2016-11-04 17:40:31,717 INFO - Creating deployment for API 11w1czyng4 and stage dev
***Configuring Dashboard on S3…

Detected 11w1czyng4 as API Gateway Identifier

./ line 297: config.js: Permission denied
make_bucket failed: s3://dragonconnect-crayfish An error occurred (BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou) when calling the CreateBucket operation: Your previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it.
upload: css/db.css to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/db.css
upload: css/bootstrap-theme.css to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/bootstrap-theme.css
upload: css/bootstrap-theme.min.css to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
upload: css/styles.css to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/styles.css
upload: css/font-awesome.css to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/font-awesome.css
upload: css/font-awesome.min.css to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/font-awesome.min.css
upload: css/ to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/
upload: fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
upload: fonts/FontAwesome.otf to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
upload: fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
upload: fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
upload: css/bootstrap.min.css to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/bootstrap.min.css
upload: fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
upload: fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
upload: fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
upload: gfxs/ajax-loader.gif to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/ajax-loader.gif
upload: gfxs/board.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/board.png
upload: gfxs/dragon-connect-logo@2x.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/dragon-connect-logo@2x.png
upload: css/bootstrap.css to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/bootstrap.css
upload: gfxs/dragon-sense-logo@2x.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/dragon-sense-logo@2x.png
upload: gfxs/dragonboard410c_logo.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/dragonboard410c_logo.png
upload: fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
upload: gfxs/dragonboard410c_logo_bs.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/dragonboard410c_logo_bs.png
upload: gfxs/sprites-volume@2x.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/sprites-volume@2x.png
upload: fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
upload: gfxs/dragonpulse-logo@2x.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/dragonpulse-logo@2x.png
upload: gfxs/sprites@2x.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/sprites@2x.png
upload: gfxs/ready_to_fuel.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/ready_to_fuel.png
upload: gfxs/sprites-sensor@2x.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/sprites-sensor@2x.png
upload: gfxs/volume-bg-xs.jpg to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/volume-bg-xs.jpg
upload: gfxs/volume-bg-sm.jpg to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/volume-bg-sm.jpg
upload: gfxs/volume-bg-lg.jpg to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/volume-bg-lg.jpg
upload: js/config.js to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/js/config.js
upload: ./index.html to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/index.html
upload: gfxs/volume-bg-md.jpg to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/volume-bg-md.jpg
upload: js/config_template.js to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/js/config_template.js
upload: gfxs/search.jpg to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/search.jpg
upload: gfxs/sprites-bulb@2x.png to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/gfxs/sprites-bulb@2x.png
upload: things/lambdaTest/audio.json to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/things/lambdaTest/audio.json
upload: fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
upload: js/npm.js to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/js/npm.js
upload: things/lambdaTest/led.json to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/things/lambdaTest/led.json
upload: things/things.json to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/things/things.json
upload: js/dragonconnect.js to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/js/dragonconnect.js
upload: js/bootstrap.min.js to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/js/bootstrap.min.js
upload: js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js
upload: fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
upload: js/moment.min.js to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/js/moment.min.js
upload: css/ to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/css/
upload: js/bootstrap.js to s3://dragonconnect-crayfish/js/bootstrap.js
***Configuring Bucket Policy on S3…
./ line 320: bucket-policy.json: Permission denied
***Provisioning a Thing…
Attaching policy DragonConnect to principal for thing 9a0675017cb7434489c1dca1c9f1c1a2

Detected 9a0675017cb7434489c1dca1c9f1c1a2 as Thing ID

***Installing Certificates for the Device…
***Building Client…

Detected as Amazon AWS Endpoint

/usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file ./bin/aws_demo: Permission denied
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:71: recipe for target ‘all’ failed
make: *** [all] Error 1

Build Complete


Access your DragonConnect AWS Endpoint here:

Access your DragonConnect AWS API Gateway here:

Access your DragonConnect Dashboard here:


I have done a bit of digging. It seems to me, that there are some errors in the project files on github. If I follow the (what I guess are the) manual instructions on Arrow DragonConnect, I’ll find the following instructions:

$ cd lambda
$ export NODE_PATH=lib
$ npm install …/config
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install
$ grunt create

the “npm install …/config” will throw a warning only (npm WARN package.json)
the “npm install -g grunt-cli” will only work, if run as sudo (otherwise I get the error message from the before posting). Run as sudo, it appears to be running fine.
“npm install” will run fine (with the same warning as before)
“grunt create” will throw errors:

Loading “Gruntfile.js” tasks…ERROR
>> Error: Cannot find module ‘…/lang/isNative’
Warning: Task “create” not found. Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings. I also tried the “–force” option, but

Any help will be appreciated!


After some reading, searching, finding and some more reading, it appears to me that “grunt” cannot find the “create” function/task. However, I am unable to fix that, this is the first time I have encountered “grunt”.

So again, any help appreciated.


I am also struggling in Jan 2018 on similar lines Thomas.
Please see my post “Iot - dragonConnect-C not working properly” in Products Support (dragonboard410c). Finding this board to be a pain only.
If you have any inputs or solved how to use dragonboard 410c with AWS, please let me know.
Thanks in advance

Hi Shrirang(?)

Interesting. Yes, I am still having that same problem. I have been working
on and off with Don Harbin (one of the 96boards developers) on this. For
me, it has to do with the location where I am at. E.g., I went to Spain
recently, and it worked there with IE only!!!
It doesn’t work for me in Germany or the UK. Didn’t try any more locations.

Don Harbin also only inherited this demo from the Arrow team, so he is
trying (alone) to keep this afloat. Rob mentioned a while back that they
had some students trying to come up with a new(er) version of this demo,
but I havent heard anything since.

For me, it is a CORS issue. The installation and all of the setup works, I
get roughly the same output as you have. But when you then go to the
dashboard, it cannot find the “Thing”. Axax error, like you.

When you press F12 (for the developer tools in your browser) you can see,
that it is a CORS issue. Let me know, if you find the same.

I’ll also respond to your forum post.

Yes, it is a pain, you are mostly on youur own :confused: and I am so not a
