Are there any reason why we don't have debian or ubuntu image for HiKey 960 and DragonBorad has?

Where can we find the git repository for the following kernel package ?

20:29:27 Get:2 ./ linux-image-4.15-hikey 4.15-154-gf449b3ca0861-16 [13.2 MB]

Quick update.

Thanks to a comment from @Loic in another thread, I finally realized where to look for the correct debian images for the hikey960. I would like to report that I’ve managed to successfully bring the box online with debian.

I’ve automated the process and I’ll share the code shortly.

This is the git repo with the code for a one click install of the rpb image on the hikey 960.

You have already flashed uefi files to UFS ? Then you need to flash the debian boot*.img and rootfs*img to ‘boot’ and ‘system’.
Be warned that kernel 4.15 does not support USB and X11, so it is necessary to edit grub.cfg and copy the kernel 4.14 and .dtb from RPB image. Unfortunately, this kernel is bundled with its own initramfs, and the modules are on rootfs :wink: Unfortunately there are 5 different ways to boot Linux on a device, and RPB and debian ways are pretty incompatible. RPB kernel has his own shortcomings (crashes on 1920x1080@60 video, and supports only very specific resolutions and pixclocks), the USB support is also buggy. But in the end, there is no other way to have a properly working system, than to put the working 4.14 kernel+dtb+initrd on the Debian system.

I don’t have a github account and don’t see any compelling reason to get one. Creating a running system, understanding the boot workflows and locally documenting problems is a more urgent priority.

Could you tell me what and where is initrd? And where we put it in our debain image?

Where can we find the git repository for the following kernel package ?

I believe it maps down to this CI job (the logs show the git repo and
the specific SHA-1 hash that is built).

What is the actual difference between ‘GRUBAA64.EFI’ used by debian and ‘grubaa64.efi’ used by RPB, and what is the reason of having two different GRUB implementations ?

The old boot partition hardcoded the rootfs partition number. . The new grub in “debian” boot partition searches for partition with label “rootfs” in it’s grub.cfg. This allows using the same boot partition for hikey620/hikey960, as well gives users flexibility where to put their rootfs. For example on hikey960, you may want to fastboot flasg the rootfs to the much larger userdata partition.

For discussion see

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Could you tell me what and where is initrd? And where we put it in our debain image?

It’s under /boot , like usually in Debian. If you install a new kernel on the rootfs, run update-initramfs to make new initrd, and update-grub to add the new kernel to grub menu. Just like you would do on regular X86 debian system.

There is still something wrong with the grub.efi
If i specify my own DTB with the ‘devicetree’ tag, it is ignored (“Using DTB from configuration table”):

grub> linux (hd3,gpt10)/boot/Image-4.14 console=ttyAMA6,115200n8 
grub> devicetree (hd3,gpt10)/boot/devicetree-Image-hi3660-hikey960.dtb 
grub> boot
EFI stub: Booting Linux Kernel...
EFI stub: Using DTB from configuration table
EFI stub: Exiting boot services and installing virtual address map...

and if i use the ‘dtb=’ command line tag, it fails

grub> linux /boot/Image-4.14 console=ttyAMA6,115200n8 dtb=/boot/devicetree-Image-hi3660-hikey960.dtb
grub> boot
EFI stub: Booting Linux Kernel...
Failed to handle fs_proto
EFI stub: ERROR: Failed to load device tree!

Are you sure that message means year dtb is ignored?

I have dumped the /sys/firmware/fdt on a running system with Image-4.14.0-rc7-linaro-hikey960 and vmlinuz-4.15-hikey, run both through ‘dtc -I dtb’ to generate the DTS, here is the DTS diff

# diff -u /tmp/414 /tmp/415
--- /tmp/414    2018-02-23 18:27:26.247281408 +0100
+++ /tmp/415    2018-02-23 18:27:32.815281272 +0100
@@ -1509,9 +1509,9 @@
                linux,uefi-mmap-size = <0x6c0>;
                linux,uefi-mmap-start = <0x0 0xba6c4018>;
                linux,uefi-system-table = <0x0 0xbf720018>;
-               bootargs = "BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/Image-4.14.0-rc7-linaro-hikey960 console=ttyAMA6,115200n8 root=/dev/sdd10 rootwait rw quiet video=HDMI-A-1:1280x800@60";
-               linux,initrd-end = <0x0 0xb92db560>;
-               linux,initrd-start = <0x0 0xb8e85000>;
+               bootargs = "BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15-hikey root=UUID=230350e9-f100-4e71-a796-4d1c259fec71 ro";
+               linux,initrd-end = <0x0 0xb920c560>;
+               linux,initrd-start = <0x0 0xb8db6000>;
                stdout-path = "serial6:115200n8";

The 4.14 kernel obviously runs with some deeply embedded 4.15 DTB (which is not explicitly specified by Debian grub config).

I have found the reason of my DTB troubles. The 4.15 kernel boots and runs (on 1 CPU core) in the BOOTROM rescue mode, while 4.14 crashes in the DTB parser code. After setting the jumpers into ‘normal’ position Debian runs with the kernel 4.14 on all 8 CPUs cores :sunny:

There’s a wiki article for Debian on Hikey 960

entschuldigt, beachtet meinen Beitrag bloß nicht. Es hat nichts mit dem Thema zu tun . Ich habe vor lauter Freude alles um mich herrum vergessen.

Seid gegrüßt ihr Fachwissenden,

bevor ich mich vorstelle, werde ich erst einmal voller euphorie und noch ganz verwirrt, meine hoffentlich noch lange anhaltende Freude mit dieser Technik hier kundtun. Mein Ziel ist mich hier jemanden anschließen zu dürfen, da ich echte Probleme habe damit Produktiv zu werden, da ständig jemand bestimmt ganz gemeines dieses “linaro” “96boards” umbaut und ich die Grundkentnisse nicht wirklich verinnerliche ohne nüchternes Fachpersonal.

Aber gut nach 2 Tagen langer auseinandersetzung mit dem Gerät und in paar minimalen Erfolgsrlebnissen, jippi, endlich einmal einen anständieges Beitrag über mein lieblings Sorgenkind, meinem schon zweiten [HiKey (LeMaker) mit seinem 1.2Ghz getacketen 64-bit-Arm-A53-Octa-core und den 2GB RAM die mich vollkommen zufrieden stellen. Obwohl ich nie in den Genuss der Mali-450-mp4 Grafik Einheit kommen durfte . Außer einmal eine schlechte unter openAndroid bei 1980*1080 Bildpunkten.

Jetzt mit einer Robusten Hülle vermute ich sogar eine enorme gesteigerte Lebenserwartung. Den das nähste Gerät sollte dann schon eine neuere Version sein.
Vielen dank wenn sich jemand die Mühe gemacht hat meine Computer-programmier-Fremden Sprache nicht beim Forum-Administrator wegen Geschäftsschädigenden Jurnalismus eine Löschung beantragt hat.Das mache ich dan schon selber wenn die halt eben noch existente Freude sich verflogen gehabt hat. So viel Arbeit, verdammt.

Mich hat es jedenfalls gefreut, wieder ein Tag ohne Schlaganfall, nur Buchstaben.
Ich werd bestimmt wieder mal hier vorbeischauen schauen ob es das ein oder andere Lösungsmittel
berrauschende Ideen und und und *********** connection lost…

google femdsprache , i have not enought time to write so manny lalala in more then one language
but in the next message more informations easy to understand. :wink:

Greetings to your knowledgeable,

Before I introduce myself, I will first of all, full of euphoria and still very confused, my hopefully long-lasting joy with this technique here. My goal is to be able to join somebody here, because I have real problems to become productive, because somebody constantly redesigns this “linaro” “96boards” and I do not really internalize the basics without sober technical skilled staff.

But good after 2 days of dealing with the device and in a few minimal successes, jippi, finally a decent article about my favorite problem child, my second already [HiKey (LeMaker) with its 1.2Ghz grabbed 64-bit arm A53 Octa -core and the 2GB RAM that completely satisfy me. Although I never got to enjoy the Mali-450-mp4 graphics unit. Except once a bad under openAndroid at 1980 * 1080 pixels.

Now, with a sturdy shell, I even suspect a tremendous increase in life expectancy. The closest device should already be a newer version.

Thank you very much if someone has made the effort my computer-programming foreign language has not applied to the forum administrator for business-damaging Jurnalism a deletion. That’s what I’m doing even if the just had still existing joy had flown away. So much work, damn it.

Anyway, I was glad, another day without a stroke, only letters.
I’ll definitely stop by to see if it’s one or two solvents
dazzling ideas and and and *********** connection lost … :slight_smile:

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