Android Automotive

hi @rubberduck203 , thx for your prompt reply :slight_smile: .
so in case i want to implement an app in android studio which one i have to use ?

Either should be fine. Iā€™d probably start with the support lib and only worry about the lower level lib if you run into something you canā€™t easily do with the support lib.

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Yeah I will investigate for that. But for now, I have 100% success boot since I did that trick on CarSettings.

Do you know if there is a fix for the display bugs sometimes ? (The little black glitches on screen).

You said that itā€™s a Firmware bug, could we have access to the firmware source code ?

Not to my knowledge.
And further, I did not say it was a firmware problem. It is a driver problem and yes, source for this is certainly all available. There is an open issue on the bug tracker for it. The bug affects hikey and hikey960, and very likely also hikey970.

Which one ? On the Kernel ?

And still not fixed, even after the reported bug on bugzilla ?

Youā€™re better off querying the bug than here. I have no answers about this for you.

i get below message when trying to start the vehicle service

adb shell
hikey960:/ # /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0-service &
[1] 25661
hikey960:/ # /system/bin/sh: /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0-service: not found

also please is there any updated tutorial on how to get the demo with the fake Hal value working ?

thanks in advance for your support

Here youā€™ll find everything :slight_smile:

Thanks to @rubberduck203.

Hi @AhmedX6,
Thanks for your reply.

Yes actually i am following those steps but does not work for me. vehicle service is not found.

With the speed master moves, itā€™s no surprise that is out of date. Have you set SELinux to permissive?

Hi @rubberduck203,

yes i followed exactly the steps you mentioned.

It means that it has not been built ā€¦ ? Did you add it to the ?
You should have those lines

PRODUCT_PACKAGES += android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0 \

Check on the OUT directory if you have out/target/product/hikey960/obj/EXECUTABLES/android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0-service_intermediates folder

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NO ! i just added ā†’ $(call inherit-product, packages/services/Car/car_product/build/
I though the vehicle service is already included in

thanks. i will check it . if it is not there i will add it to , build again and let you know.

At one point the (or maybe did include the service. It was pulled out some time ago.

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I would like to test the ā€˜VtsHalEvsV1_0TargetTestā€™ located in /hardware/interfaces/automotive/evs/1.0/vts/functional. I included the VtsHalEvsV1_0TargetTest to the

How to execute it ? I do not find any binary with this name. Even the command : ā€œcmd package list instrumentationā€ does not show anyting.

The Android.bp is like that :
cc_test {
name: ā€œVtsHalEvsV1_0TargetTestā€,

srcs: [

defaults: ["VtsHalTargetTestDefaults"],

shared_libs: [

static_libs: ["android.hardware.automotive.evs@1.0"],

cflags: [


Hello everyone,

Could someone tell me how can I use SPI pins on Android Automotive ?
I do not see any spidev on /dev.


This is really not an automotive question, rather a hikey960/kernel question. The forum search yields a lot of results when searching for ā€œspiā€, including this;

If your objective is CAN, hereā€™s a complete writeup for MCP2515:


Hi @doitright I am trying to build hikey_car on master branch but its failing with below errors:
FAILED: build/make/core/ error: overriding commands for target `out/target/product/hikey960/obj/lib/android.hardware.renderscript@1.0-impl.soā€™, previously defined at build/make/core/
14:49:21 ckati failed with: exit status 1

I followed all the steps correctly from Using Reference Boards Ā |Ā  Android Open Source Project & but its failingā€¦
I also tried to use good manifest from here : but it fails too with same error.
Any problem with latest AOSP master branch or you suggest a better working way forward.

Iā€™m not really sure how you expect me to help you with that if you donā€™t provide details.

  1. Have you ever built AOSP before? Were you able to build it before applying my modifications?
  2. Describe in as many details as possible, the configuration of your build machine.
  3. Provide a complete build log, not just a 1 line clipping without any context.
  4. When you tried with a known good manifest, WHICH ONE?

Further, why are you using github? Iā€™ve said it a thousand times that what is on github is DEPRECATED, and even if I hadnā€™t said so, it is quite plainly obvious based on the fact that nothing there has been updated since APRIL.

There are multiple branches of each of the required repositories. Pick the april branch, and use a known good manifest from april.


Iā€™m facing issue to boot HikeyCar with the last known manifest


I tried with the last kernel on Files Ā· android-hikey-linaro-4.9_apr2018_CAR96 Ā· HiKey960-Car / android_kernel_linaro_hikey_OLD Ā· GitLab

Here are the logs on boot

And after 2 minutes the CPU go in MAX capacityā€¦